Tuesday, January 30, 2007

harl0...haiz sianz...scho0l life g0es on as usual,everyday is like the same...but fr0m tml till next m0nday i have s0 called 'h0liday'.I have E-learning f0r tml and thursday and friday g0ing f0r outing(hehe)...Wel1,...gtg g0nna ch0ing finish my hw first...bye-bye..zZz...slacking...

4:33 PM
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Harl0 pe0ple!!...l0ng time n0 p0st arh,really ps(pai sei)f0r that.1've ever th0ught of cl0sing my bl0g,but my best friend 'Yu ZI' and 'RS' 'm0tivates' me t0 c0ntinue p0sting this 'decaying bl0g'...haiZ..after the 1 m0nth 0f hestitating,...i decided t0 heed their advice...c0ntinue p0sting my bl0g.A pr0mise is a pr0mise,i will p0st my bl0g every week!...slacking...zZz...

6:58 PM
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