Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Harl0x...An0ther b0ring day,1'm sTay1ng at h0me do1ng n0thing aS maple 1s still under patch.zZz...sianz...star1ng at the televisi0n wh1le waiting f0r the patch t0 be 0ver.But it's g0nna be fun after the patch aS there's tw0 new b0ss await1ng f0r th0se pr0 maplers.These tw0 m0nster are called Papulatus cl0ck and pianus.Sry...d0n't have t1me t0 tell y0u guys m0re abt th0se tw0 monsters,will try t0 wr1te an0ther entry abt the patch later...bye...

3:19 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006

Harl0x every0ne...real1y veRy sry f0r n0t updat1ng th1s 'decaying' bl0g aS Map1e N CS real1y 0bsessed mE and 1 can't st0p play1ng th0se games and that makes mE n0 time to update my bl0g...We11,...th1s h0liday 1s real1y very sian and everyday is l1ke the same un1ess Yu Zi ask s0me of 0ur friends and I 0ut to lan.0kay...i'll n0w tel1 y0u h0w i spend the wh0le last week...Last weEk,i was stay1ng at h0me play1ng whEn Yu Zi cal1ed me and asked 1f i cou1d g0 0ut t0 play Lan gam1ng.With0ugh a m0ment 0f hesitation,i immediately t0ld him '0f course!'.After we've comfirmed the l0cation whr we meet,i went t0 J8 with 0ne 0f my friend(Eugene).When we reached there,Yu Zi was a1ready theRe le w0r(how punctual).After 0ur meal,we went Dhoby ghaut(i th1nk this is the correct spel1ing)and went t0 the PC Bunk.When we gt t0 our seats,we immediately l0g on to map1e cause i can't wait t0 lvl as my percent 1s already 95% w0r.After 2 hrs plus 0f gaming,we realized that we played 0vertime and as we're supp0sed t0 pay $7 and the pr1ce rate thr was already $8 and eugene(the rich b0y) help us t0 pay the extras.N0t enough,we went t0 tao payoh safra t0 play CS,Us1ng AWp,we have t0 snipe against each 0ther eugene and Yu Zi teamed up against me...s0me 0f the times they win some 0f the t1mes i win.After all the gaming,we're all worn 0ur and we went back t0 J8 to d1ne...had 0ur dinner at Yosh1n0ya...We had a great t1me hanging 0ut t0gether...Th1s is mainly what 1s a11 abt..1 Pr0m1sEd that i'll try t0 update everyday...gtg t0 train my character...zZz...Byee...(choinging 1n progress...)

9:54 AM
November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 ~RaP AwAy w1th Lp~ Yu Z1
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