Friday, November 24, 2006

He1I0...sry f0r n0t p0sting f0r the 1ast few days as l c0uld n0t aff0rd t0 spare any time f0r blogging...(1'm bUsy Hunting 4 illbi)I've received my ReSu1t YeStErDay and t0 my surprise,i've manage to gEt 2O7.A1though 2O7 is n0t a very H1gh sc0re but i'm s0meh0w contented with my marks c0z 1 dldn't really b0thers t0 study fr0m the starting 0f the year till the mld 0f the year...but with my marks,i can at least go t0 express(Heehee).l've gt a A f0r my chinese,3Bs f0r the rest 0f my subjects...Hmm..what can i add on...0h yeah, i've already made my 6 ch0ices yesterday..My first ch0ice would be Kuo Chuan(although i know i definitely will n0t be chosen,just wanna try my luck)my second ch0ice is Beatty(i can appeal f0r this sch0ol)and Pierce is my third,h0ugang is my f0urth(i definitely can get int0 this scho0l)And haven't make my fifth and sixth ch0ice...y0u'll realize that y0u can take sho0ting as ur CCA at alm0st all the scho0l i've chosen...(as i l0ve sho0ting)0kay bah,i've say enough..byeee..i'll really w0rk very hard next year...

10:21 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006

Hell0...have t0 stay at h0me for the wh0le day t0day(sianz) s0me 0f my church frlends (lnc1uding my good friend)is not g0ing out Iiao(thanks to me=(.I'll tell you shortly for what i've's like this...Yu Zi asked me and my cousin(GrAcE) and 1 of our friend out yesterday if we're free t0 catch a movie today...and without hls permission,i went to ask tW0 of our 0ther friends(all boys)if they wanna come along.Up0n kn0wing that i asked them out,the quarell between us started but l ap0Iogized and he accepted my apologies...this is malnIy what is all abt...welI,i would like to apologize to him again through this blog...'S0rry ar,yu zi'.gtg now,i've gt to do some house work b4 playing my few favourite online games(maple,pirateking,conquer and cs...learning to play d0ta)(^_-)(-_^)..f0r those who haven't add my in msn,here's my msn' note the 0 is zero~bye~

9:19 AM
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Hey guys...Welcome to my very first blog...i'll try to update this blog everyday..but plz tag when you visit my blog...thanks...

7:57 PM
November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 ~RaP AwAy w1th Lp~ Yu Z1
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