Saturday, February 24, 2007

[H]a[r]l[0]!Long time n0 p0st huh?'s a sh0rt posting..(i'll p0st an extra 1 perhaps nextweek...)H0w's ur chinese new year?Well, was a b0ring 1...Last sunday,i went t0 my aunt h0use t0 have 0ur reunion dinner.Well,f0r the reunion was quite fun as we get a chance t0 'lao yu shen'...(zZz..lao arh lao arh lao...)After the 'laoing',we had 0ur dinner early and after we had 0ur dinner,we were just l0afing ar0und d0ing n0thing.Then 1 0f my cousins th0ught 0f an idea,we suggested t0 catch a movie.With0ut any hestitation,we asked 0ur parent and they 0f cos allow us t0 go as we predicted.When we reach tampinese mall,..we went t0 buy 0ur tickets and burn our waiting time at the arcade seeing 0ther ppl play.When the clock strucks 7+,...we went in and watched the '[G][H][0][S][T]*[R][l][D][E][R]'(but bef0re that,...i went t0 buy the nach0 and the drinks...).That sh0w was simply so00 nice that y0u definately have t0 watch it...(sry arh...can't describe h0w the movie was like...)When the sh0w was 0ver..i then realised that the cheese was all 0ver my cloth(WTF!!!)spend time cleaning it with tissues...zZz...Well,...that's all f0r that day...
Well,...t0day was fun! i get t0 go t0 my 'ba0 mu' h0use!As y0u kn0w,...when i g0 to my ba0 mu jia i can play like mad!...After many h0urs 0f counter-striking,my skills has g0es up tremend0usly...zZz...l'll miss my 'tw0 gor gors' and my bao mu and my 'gan papa'..sad...)how i wish my gors gors can be my real g0r g0r that'll be co0l...Well,...that's all f0r p0sting..gtg cya'!~~[T][A][D][A]~~

8:26 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Harl0 ppl...Went 0ut t0day with my f0ur buddies and some 0ther church friends t0 have 0ur s0 called 'Reunion dinner'.At first,..i th0ught that we were g0ing to a restaurant t0 have 0ur meal,t0 my absolute surprise..we went t0 a seafo0d restaurant with0ut air-con(if i'm not wrong,...zZz...)instead,and lt was h0t and stuffy there...After then,...we went t0 amk arcade t0 *have fun*.After which we went h0me each with a 'partner',Yu zi with ren sen and Eugene with me...zZz...0verall,..i can say that we have a great time?...Well,..Valentine's day is ar0und the c0rner,f0und ur *V*a*1*e*N*T*l*n*E le ma?1f n0t,..i'm there anytime t0 help you matchmake...zZz...lf y0u're asking me if i've f0und my valentine,the answer is a 'YES'...Well, buddies i can't tell y0u her name yet(sry arh...)until i've successful wo0ing her then i'l tell ya'...gtg ~T*A*D*A~..have a happy valentine's day~...

9:10 PM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

harl0...haiz sianz...scho0l life g0es on as usual,everyday is like the same...but fr0m tml till next m0nday i have s0 called 'h0liday'.I have E-learning f0r tml and thursday and friday g0ing f0r outing(hehe)...Wel1,...gtg g0nna ch0ing finish my hw first...bye-bye..zZz...slacking...

4:33 PM
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Harl0 pe0ple!!...l0ng time n0 p0st arh,really ps(pai sei)f0r that.1've ever th0ught of cl0sing my bl0g,but my best friend 'Yu ZI' and 'RS' 'm0tivates' me t0 c0ntinue p0sting this 'decaying bl0g'...haiZ..after the 1 m0nth 0f hestitating,...i decided t0 heed their advice...c0ntinue p0sting my bl0g.A pr0mise is a pr0mise,i will p0st my bl0g every week!...slacking...zZz...

6:58 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Harl0x...An0ther b0ring day,1'm sTay1ng at h0me do1ng n0thing aS maple 1s still under patch.zZz...sianz...star1ng at the televisi0n wh1le waiting f0r the patch t0 be 0ver.But it's g0nna be fun after the patch aS there's tw0 new b0ss await1ng f0r th0se pr0 maplers.These tw0 m0nster are called Papulatus cl0ck and pianus.Sry...d0n't have t1me t0 tell y0u guys m0re abt th0se tw0 monsters,will try t0 wr1te an0ther entry abt the patch later...bye...

3:19 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006

Harl0x every0ne...real1y veRy sry f0r n0t updat1ng th1s 'decaying' bl0g aS Map1e N CS real1y 0bsessed mE and 1 can't st0p play1ng th0se games and that makes mE n0 time to update my bl0g...We11,...th1s h0liday 1s real1y very sian and everyday is l1ke the same un1ess Yu Zi ask s0me of 0ur friends and I 0ut to lan.0kay...i'll n0w tel1 y0u h0w i spend the wh0le last week...Last weEk,i was stay1ng at h0me play1ng whEn Yu Zi cal1ed me and asked 1f i cou1d g0 0ut t0 play Lan gam1ng.With0ugh a m0ment 0f hesitation,i immediately t0ld him '0f course!'.After we've comfirmed the l0cation whr we meet,i went t0 J8 with 0ne 0f my friend(Eugene).When we reached there,Yu Zi was a1ready theRe le w0r(how punctual).After 0ur meal,we went Dhoby ghaut(i th1nk this is the correct spel1ing)and went t0 the PC Bunk.When we gt t0 our seats,we immediately l0g on to map1e cause i can't wait t0 lvl as my percent 1s already 95% w0r.After 2 hrs plus 0f gaming,we realized that we played 0vertime and as we're supp0sed t0 pay $7 and the pr1ce rate thr was already $8 and eugene(the rich b0y) help us t0 pay the extras.N0t enough,we went t0 tao payoh safra t0 play CS,Us1ng AWp,we have t0 snipe against each 0ther eugene and Yu Zi teamed up against me...s0me 0f the times they win some 0f the t1mes i win.After all the gaming,we're all worn 0ur and we went back t0 J8 to d1ne...had 0ur dinner at Yosh1n0ya...We had a great t1me hanging 0ut t0gether...Th1s is mainly what 1s a11 abt..1 Pr0m1sEd that i'll try t0 update everyday...gtg t0 train my character...zZz...Byee...(choinging 1n progress...)

9:54 AM
Friday, November 24, 2006

He1I0...sry f0r n0t p0sting f0r the 1ast few days as l c0uld n0t aff0rd t0 spare any time f0r blogging...(1'm bUsy Hunting 4 illbi)I've received my ReSu1t YeStErDay and t0 my surprise,i've manage to gEt 2O7.A1though 2O7 is n0t a very H1gh sc0re but i'm s0meh0w contented with my marks c0z 1 dldn't really b0thers t0 study fr0m the starting 0f the year till the mld 0f the year...but with my marks,i can at least go t0 express(Heehee).l've gt a A f0r my chinese,3Bs f0r the rest 0f my subjects...Hmm..what can i add on...0h yeah, i've already made my 6 ch0ices yesterday..My first ch0ice would be Kuo Chuan(although i know i definitely will n0t be chosen,just wanna try my luck)my second ch0ice is Beatty(i can appeal f0r this sch0ol)and Pierce is my third,h0ugang is my f0urth(i definitely can get int0 this scho0l)And haven't make my fifth and sixth ch0ice...y0u'll realize that y0u can take sho0ting as ur CCA at alm0st all the scho0l i've chosen...(as i l0ve sho0ting)0kay bah,i've say enough..byeee..i'll really w0rk very hard next year...

10:21 AM
November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 ~RaP AwAy w1th Lp~ Yu Z1
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